Saturday, March 10, 2012

We're Moving!

On Friday we finished up with our last design center appointment to put the finishing touches on OUR NEW HOUSE! I am SOOOO excited. This past year of renting has been fine, but I am so ready to finally have our own space and more room for the kids. When we sold our house in Driftwood and moved last March (man it's been a year exactly today) I was pregnant and we didn't really know where we wanted to be, etc., so we decided to rent. It's been nice living one street over from my parents, and it we will miss not being able to walk right over, but we aren't moving far. My final decision in neighborhoods was based on the school that the kids will be going to and I pretty much think it's totally awesome! I love the neighborhood, I love the lot we chose, and am overall just so excited to begin building. Designing the tile and picking every last detail was so much fun. And so dang expensive, geez!!! Every little thing is considered an upgrade. I can't wait to see the final product, and my family in it =} The only dowside is that we are moving in with Patrick's mom. I love her dearly and we are fortunate that she is okay with us crashing with her for a few months to save up some extra cash, but let's face it, it's not going to be easy. Living with 2 active kids, in someone elses house, in Lago Vista, with our stuff in storage, celebrating Kinley's first birthday (amongst many other "firsts"...crawling, probably walking, etc.) not in our own house will be trying. BUT, I'm going with it, and am just going to look at it as a really long vacation. In the meantime, we have a crazy amount of stuff to do, packing/cleaning the current house, moving it all, and re-setting up in Lago. I hope the kids adjust...I'm sure they'll be just fine. So cheers a new it August yet?


  1. We are so excited for you guys! It's all going to be worth it when you move into your beautiful new home:)

  2. So excited to have you guys here!! We bought our house after it was already built, so I'm super jealous you got to pick everything out!
