Thursday, February 2, 2012


I hate worrying. Especially about my kids. Other stuff is fine, but when it comes to your kids, it just sucks. I hate seeing my sweet babies hurting...So Jackson developed this strage rash. It started on Tuesday. I noticed it when I picked him up from Mother's Day Out. It looked like he got bit by tons of mosquitos...then when I bathed him that night, I noticed they were all over his trunk and legs, but still thought maybe with all the rain we got Monday night it was bug bites. Then on Tuesday when I picked him up, I noticed it had spread to his arms. Big, whelps/hive looking splotches all over his body, many of the areas swollen and warm to the touch. So then today (Thursday) he wakes up and it has moved to his face/behind his ears, around his mouth, etc. I took him to the Dr., which wasn't much fun because he is going through this weird phase where he's scared of everything (haircuts/scissors, cleaning his ears (probably because he's had 3 ear infections in the past 2 months and they hurt), clipping his nails, etc.) It took one nurse to hold Kinley, then another nurse, the Dr. and me to hold him down while they checked his ears and did a strep culture. No ear infection, no strep, a long list of things it's NOT, but not a clear answer as to what it IS. Great! It's most likely a viral infection and not contagious, but they also said it could be HSP, which makes me worry. Then after his nap today I noticed his hands and feet were even more swollen. They look like fluid-filled, puffed up sausages. I'm continuing the Benedryl and Ibuprofin, and praying that things are better in the mind starts wandering and telling me it could be all these horrible things, which I'm sure it's not, but I just don't like it. And he's such a I write this, I am listening to him singing Jingle Bells on the monitor. I thought Benedryl was supposed to knock you out???

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