Thursday, February 9, 2012

I know it's sounds so cliché' to say it but the time is passing much too're growing up too fast. I wish I could press pause and keep you this way just a bit longer. This is my absolute favorite age and yet I feel it slipping away as each days passes and you do something new. In fact just today, I heard a comment about how with young kids it seems that we experience the longest days, yet the shortest years. It's so true! I swear I blinked and you've turned into a bubbly, chunky, smiley little 7 month old...and a very cute one at that! I am loving every minute with you. I am so lucky that I get to spend my days being your Mommy and watching you grow. You are an amazing little girl and I love you so...
Some things I want to remember about you at this time:

-You are a chunk! You were relatively small (at least compared to your brother) a few months ago but boy you are catching up. You weighed in at 20 pounds today! And you are super long too. You wear 9 month clothes, and even on those, some of the pants are short. -You are a cuddler. You love to be held, nuzzled, rocked, have your hand rubbed, etc.
-You are a Momma's girl. You keep an eye on me at all times, and you don't like when I leave the room. You'd ride around all day in my carrier, attached to me if I'd let you. You're happiest when you're with me...and who can blame you, I'm a pretty cool chick ;}
-You love to watch your big brother and notice everything he does too. He loves you. Even though he's a busy body, and often wrapped up in his own toys, when he does stop to focus on you, hold you, or talk to you, you grin from ear to ear. Jackson is very protective over you. In fact just today at your check-up, he got very upset when the Dr. looked in your ears because he's afraid of that, and he thought they were hurting sweet. When your Mammy or Neena babysit you, you are a bit fussy but seem to be more calm in the presence of your Bubba.
-You light up for your Daddy and give him the BEST smiles. I think someday you will have him wrapped around your little finger. And he loves you dearly!
-You look like a Carrejo to me. You have my little pug nose (I think) but everything else seems to resemble your Daddy's side. We shall see...
-Your hair is crazy. It always has been. Sticks up in many different directions, can't tell which way to part it, etc. And it's getting more straight the longer it gets. We have to have a headband or a clip in, or it's in your eyes (and that's not just because your Mommy is obsessed with bows and having you be as girly as possible. Okay well maybe a little ;-) And it's many different colors...brown, auburn, and blonde underneath. I'll be curious to see how it looks in a few years.
-You're NOT a great sleeper, but I am SO hoping you will be someday. You slept through the night early on, and did so for several months. Then around Thanksgiving time, you got your first ear infection and then got two more after that. Ever since then, your sleeping has gone downhill. Most nights you wake up at least once and have trouble going back to sleep....sorry honey but baby boot camp is coming soon!
- You eat three times a day (fruit & cereal for breakfast, a yogurt for lunch, and a veggie & cereal for dinner, as well as four 8 oz. bottles a day). You hate green beans and make the most awful faces. It's hilarious actually.
-You can say Momma and Baba, and I'm pretty sure it's intentional.
-You love to play with your feet and I call you "hurkey girl" because you always pull your leg to the side like a hurkey while drinking your bottle...Maybe you'll follow in my footsteps and be a cheerleader.
-You are my little Kin Kin, Cupcake, K-Love, Angel Baby, Sissy, Sister Bear.
I love you more than anything in the world and thank God every day for you...You have brought so much joy to our lives and I am blessed to be your Momma.

1 comment:

  1. Awe, sweet post! She is adorable! We need to get the girls together ASAP. :)
