Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sick baby, Tired Mommy...

I feel like this past week has been never-ending. We are going on day 7 (tomorrow) of Jackson being sick. We had a great week the week before visiting my sister, brother and sister-in-law and all their kids the week before at my Mom's house for Spring Break. Jackson was having a good time with his cousins, but unfortunately came down with the nasty colds they all had. I should have know that coughing kids with runny noses would be contagious, but I was hoping that all that great breast milked I spent 6 months pumping him full of would ward off any illness. WRONG! After the family grandkids photoshoot on Monday, Jackson was fussy and beginning to feel bad so we went home and he has been so sick ever since. It's scary having your baby be so sick! He has totally not been himself: running high fevers, runny nose, coughing, congestion, and not eating. And if you know my child, you know that not eating means there is definately something wrong! He was so dehydrated his little lips keep cracking and bleeding. Poor baby, he just wants to be held. Despite him being sick, we still went to my neice, Jacy's birthday party yesterday and spent the night at Patrick's mom's house. We did not get much sleep at all! Then tonight, I felt in his mouth and he has cut his top right front tooth! As if being sick wasn't bad enough, I'm sure the new tooth is contributing to the fever and fussiness. UGH! I'm so tired -I'm ready to have my happy, healthy baby back!

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